Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Practice for the reminder of the summer

As of right now, we are trying to get back into our Harrison location for the reminder of the summer. I am not sure if that is going to be possible, but I will keep everyone updated. In the event that we cannot get into Harrison, or find another spot for the reminder of the summer, we will definitely be in Harrison in September. Stay tuned!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Practice tomorrow

Practice tomorrow and for the rest of the summer will be at North Rockland High School! Same days, same time: Monday and Wednesday 5-7pm. Don't be late!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Silverback Duals 8/1/10

This weekend Invictus Wrestling took 4th at the Silverback duals. Not bad for having to forfeit 4 weight classes! We are taking a vacation week this week, so there is NO PRACTICE. Practice will resume next Monday 8/10. Practice will not be at Harrison High School for the remainder of the summer. I will have com formation on our new location early this week. As soon as we get the OKAY we will let everyone know. Enjoy your off week!